On All Orders Over $99
On Orders Over $99
Experience the perfect combination of style and confidence with this shapers. Feel secure & supported while looking and feeling your best every day. Expertly crafted, these shapers provide the ultimate look and confidence boost for any occasion.
We've outlined an easy to follow Easy Return & Free Exchange Policy, which gives you the freedom to return or exchange a product following just a few simple guidelines. We offer a 30-Day Exchange Period.
All Orders over $99 are elegible for FREE SHIPPING! ( U.S. Only )
A faster shipping method is available for a small fee:
Premium Shipping: within (3-5 Business Days) ($9.99)
Express Shipping: within (1-2 Business Days) ($14.99)
Standar Shipping: within (5-7 Business Days) ($4.99)
With CYSM your purchase is safe, we ship products to all parts of the world, and if there is any problem with your order we have a customer service team that can help you have the best experience with us. Your good experience is our main goal =)