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Women's Day Stories

Get Inspired this March 8th!

Get Inspired this March 8th!

Heres the Womanspiration, a Collection Of Stories and messages

from real women. We believe in Love, Acceptance, Equality, Kindness,

Respect and the power of Our voice more than ever.

Heres the Womanspiration, a Collection Of Stories and messages from real women.

We believe in Love, Acceptance, Equality, Respect and the power of Our voice.

Quiérete como eres, sé feliz.


I encourage moms who have more than 2 children to keep their head up I recently had my 3rd boy he’s 2 months. It’s been crazy but I’ve had nothing but encouraging women to give me advice and tell me everything will be alright and to keep pushing forward and I just want to encourage the next person who feels like they want to give up or can’t handle the stress. YOU GOT THIS MOMMA!


I believe that once our mind is set on a goal, the least we can do is try to achieve it. Anything beyond this point will be good for us.

-Jane G.

I think that if you have a goal, and your mind is set on achieving it, you must go for it, no matter what it takes.


We have the strength the ability to what we put our mind to do. 4 year ago I lost 40 pounds. And still working on losing 40 more.

-Paula M.

Look good, feel good, do good.

-Socorro B.

Mi mayor inspiración es el gym, llegar hoy y realizar lo que no pude años atrás, antes de que se apague mi vida o ya no pueda hacerlo.


Every day smiles.


About any adversity, our comfort is to keep the hope and build and strong family with the love to each other.

-Ana R.

Don’t worry if you felt down just keeping trying don’t go back always look forward God is all good and depending on your self what is in your hearts.

-Greybi T.

I’m a single mom and I have two jobs it’s hard but at the same, I’m blessed for everything that I have.


Love yourself first than anything.


I’m inspired by all the people and families dealing with mental illness as I am and it is not easy at all.

-Linda B.

I have a 6-month-old son and for the longest time and maybe still some I felt as if I lost myself. I look in the mirror and don’t feel as pretty. But I chose to deal with it in a healthy way… by loving myself and constantly thanking God for bringing my son here safely and keeping me safe. I realize that that’s what’s most important. I have to constantly tell myself that I am beautiful no matter what.

- Renne.

Hello! I want to make a stronger woman get ahead to fulfill my goals and keep going and keep fighting.


Me inspira levantarme cada día y continuar luchando por el bienestar de mi familia, mis hijas que son mi motor, mi motivo para no rendirme nunca.

-Francisca A.

I started from the bottom, with no fluent English at all, after seven years I became the manager of a restaurant and the owners are happy with my work. It took courage for me as well motivation to go back at school and learn the language correctly. Now, it all paid off with hard work and determination.


Sé una mujer emprendedora.

-Mercedes P.

I’m feeling good in my skin I have learned to love every inch of my body I love me for who I am.


La vida es como un camino lleno de flores pero también lleno de piedras, de buenos y malos momentos, sonrisas y llantos, alegrías y desgracias. Pero poco a poco vamos superando sus dificultades; sin embargo este camino tiene fin por eso tienes que aprovechar cada dia y las oportunidades que te da, gracias Dios, ¡feliz dia!

-Gloria T.

I find my self worth and confidence in the one who created me, God.


My woman inspire is looking good professional and love my body.


Feel confidence no matter how you look, the skin color, race, hair type, fat or skinny. All women are beautiful in their way. I used to feel bad about my hair on some occasions because I wanted stray hair instead of the curly hair God gave me. Now I was able to feel confident and love me the way I am.


I’m a 48-year-old mother of two grown children & a 8-year boy. I have 7 grandchildren as well. I got married at 17 went back to school for aesthetics at 44 then back to become a full specialist at 45. I didn’t finish high school. I went back even though things had changed a lot since I was last in school. As difficult as things may seem at times people need to take chances and make life an adventure.


I’m a mother of 4 kids and each day I’m learning to love myself take care of me because if I’m ok with myself I can give the best of me to the world.


I have only began to understand that confidence comes from within in the last few years. I am 30 years old. All my life, I thought it came from material things. Life is so much easier and happier when you love yourself and the body God gave you. I am getting married in 10 days and have never felt better!

-Katlyn B.

Every day smiles I think that if you have a goal and your mind is set on, achieving it.

-Beatriz M.

I have learned to embrace my age. I am a 47-year-old grandmother and look great!

-Indira V.

I’ve always struggled with liking my body as how it is. I’ve started to gain confidence little by little in watching what I eat and even though I haven’t really seen much difference I know I’ll get there.


Beautiful 48 years old mother, wife, daughter, and sister. My confidence is my beauty and taking care of my selves is my priority, being overweight and be able to show my curves is holding me back. I hope with these new products I’m going to be able to shine again. Other people can read these and get their beauty back inside.


Hi, I’m Ericka. One thing that I’ve learned is beauty really is skin deep. You never change your heart or your brain. Things that people don’t see at face value. As I take my leap into my 50’s. People still see my beauty. Because you don’t fade on the inside. Be real to yourself. Cosmetic surgery can’t fix ugly insides.

-Ericka H.

Mi mayor inspiración son mis tres hijos. Quiero ser la inspiración de ellos a través del esfuerzo, la lucha y determinación que engrandezca el crecimiento para el camino que tienen que recorrer cuando tengan que hacerlo solos.


I look in the mirror every day and tell myself I look good…


Sé positiva y paciente, que lo que se quiere se puede.


Been working hard to lose weight and I am finally achieving my goal!


Chase your purpose and success will follow!

-Eve O.

I think that if you try everything is possible. Especially when you have kids you try everything for them.

-Erika F.

Mamá guerrera que ha sacado a sus hijos adelante sin el soporte económico del padre de ellos.


Que ni el tiempo ni los kilos sean un motivo que te hagan sentir menos. Cuida tu cuerpo, tu salud, sé siempre optimista, da gracias por un nuevo día. Soy una mujer que puedo decir que las desgracias que he vivido me han hecho más fuerte y mañana 8 marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer, hace 29 años nació mi hija. Felicidades hija, y a todas las mujeres porque somos hijas de Dios bendecidas y vamos adelante mis guerreras.

-Alma Q.

Believe you’re beautiful. Believe you’re strong. Believe you’re smart. You are what you believe!

-Paulina M.

To believe is sometimes hard. To succeed takes determination, effort, and knowing you can make a contribution to society. So my philosophy is and always will be. Keep your head up, eyes and mind focused on your goals and good things will always happen.

-Rachel J.

I love myself.

-Jenny M.

Quiérete como eres, sé feliz.


I think that if you have a goal, and your mind is set on achieving it, you must go for it, no matter what it takes.


Look good, feel good, do good.

-Socorro B.

About any adversity, our comfort is to keep the hope and build and strong family with the love to each other.

-Ana R.

I’m a single mom and I have two jobs it’s hard but at the same, I’m blessed for everything that I have.


Love yourself first than anything.


Hello! I want to make a stronger woman get ahead to fulfill my goals and keep going and keep fighting.


La vida es como un camino lleno de flores pero también lleno de piedras, de buenos y malos momentos, sonrisas y llantos, alegrías y desgracias. Pero poco a poco vamos superando sus dificultades; sin embargo este camino tiene fin por eso tienes que aprovechar cada dia y las oportunidades que te da, gracias Dios, ¡feliz dia!

-Gloria T.

My woman inspire is looking good professional and love my body.


I’m a mother of 4 kids and each day I’m learning to love myself take care of me because if I’m ok with myself I can give the best of me to the world.


I’ve always struggled with liking my body as how it is. I’ve started to gain confidence little by little in watching what I eat and even though I haven’t really seen much difference I know I’ll get there.


Hi, I’m Ericka. One thing that I’ve learned is beauty really is skin deep. You never change your heart or your brain. Things that people don’t see at face value. As I take my leap into my 50’s. People still see my beauty. Because you don’t fade on the inside. Be real to yourself. Cosmetic surgery can’t fix ugly insides.

-Ericka H.

Sé positiva y paciente, que lo que se quiere se puede.


Que ni el tiempo ni los kilos sean un motivo que te hagan sentir menos. Cuida tu cuerpo, tu salud, sé siempre optimista, da gracias por un nuevo día. Soy una mujer que puedo decir que las desgracias que he vivido me han hecho más fuerte y mañana 8 marzo, Día Internacional de la Mujer, hace 29 años nació mi hija. Felicidades hija, y a todas las mujeres porque somos hijas de Dios bendecidas y vamos adelante mis guerreras.

-Alma Q.

I encourage moms who have more than 2 children to keep their head up I recently had my 3rd boy he’s 2 months. It’s been crazy but I’ve had nothing but encouraging women to give me advice and tell me everything will be alright and to keep pushing forward and I just want to encourage the next person who feels like they want to give up or can’t handle the stress. YOU GOT THIS MOMMA!


Mi mayor inspiración es el gym, llegar hoy y realizar lo que no pude años atrás, antes de que se apague mi vida o ya no pueda hacerlo.


Don’t worry if you felt down just keeping trying don’t go back always look forward God is all good and depending on your self what is in your hearts.

-Greybi T.

I’m inspired by all the people and families dealing with mental illness as I am and it is not easy at all.

-Linda B.

I started from the bottom, with no fluent English at all, after seven years I became the manager of a restaurant and the owners are happy with my work. It took courage for me as well motivation to go back at school and learn the language correctly. Now, it all paid off with hard work and determination.


I’m feeling good in my skin I have learned to love every inch of my body I love me for who I am.


I find my self worth and confidence in the one who created me, God.


I have only began to understand that confidence comes from within in the last few years. I am 30 years old. All my life, I thought it came from material things. Life is so much easier and happier when you love yourself and the body God gave you. I am getting married in 10 days and have never felt better!

-Katlyn B.

Every day smiles I think that if you have a goal and your mind is set on, achieving it.

-Beatriz M.

Beautiful 48 years old mother, wife, daughter, and sister. My confidence is my beauty and taking care of my selves is my priority, being overweight and be able to show my curves is holding me back. I hope with these new products I’m going to be able to shine again. Other people can read these and get their beauty back inside.


Been working hard to lose weight and I am finally achieving my goal!


Chase your purpose and success will follow!

-Eve O.

Mamá guerrera que ha sacado a sus hijos adelante sin el soporte económico del padre de ellos.


I love myself.

-Jenny M.

I believe that once our mind is set on a goal, the least we can do is try to achieve it. Anything beyond this point will be good for us.

-Jane G.

We have the strength the ability to what we put our mind to do. 4 year ago I lost 40 pounds. And still working on losing 40 more.

-Paula M.

Every day smiles.


I have a 6-month-old son and for the longest time and maybe still some I felt as if I lost myself. I look in the mirror and don’t feel as pretty. But I chose to deal with it in a healthy way… by loving myself and constantly thanking God for bringing my son here safely and keeping me safe. I realize that that’s what’s most important. I have to constantly tell myself that I am beautiful no matter what.

- Renne.

Me inspira levantarme cada día y continuar luchando por el bienestar de mi familia, mis hijas que son mi motor, mi motivo para no rendirme nunca.

-Francisca A.

Sé una mujer emprendedora.

-Mercedes P.

Feel confidence no matter how you look, the skin color, race, hair type, fat or skinny. All women are beautiful in their way. I used to feel bad about my hair on some occasions because I wanted stray hair instead of the curly hair God gave me. Now I was able to feel confident and love me the way I am.


I’m a 48-year-old mother of two grown children & a 8-year boy. I have 7 grandchildren as well. I got married at 17 went back to school for aesthetics at 44 then back to become a full specialist at 45.
I didn’t finish high school. I went back even though things had changed a lot since I was last in school. As difficult as things may seem at times people need to take chances and make life an adventure.


I have learned to embrace my age. I am a 47-year-old grandmother and look great!

-Indira V.

Mi mayor inspiración son mis tres hijos. Quiero ser la inspiración de ellos a través del esfuerzo, la lucha y determinación que engrandezca el crecimiento para el camino que tienen que recorrer cuando tengan que hacerlo solos.


I look in the mirror every day and tell myself I look good…


I think that if you try everything is possible. Especially when you have kids you try everything for them.

-Erika F.

Believe you’re beautiful. Believe you’re strong. Believe you’re smart. You are what you believe!

-Paulina M.

To believe is sometimes hard. To succeed takes determination, effort, and knowing you can make a contribution to society. So my philosophy is and always will be. Keep your head up, eyes and mind focused on your goals and good things will always happen.

-Rachel J.

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By submitting your message you agree for CYSM to make the message public on all their platforms. Including any photo or video materials or user content to be public.