Gift ideas for this xmas by CYSM
The most wonderful time of the year it's almost here, we got to get the presents of all the family and CYSM got great ideas for you. The best gift is something that he/she will need and improve his/her life,...
The most wonderful time of the year it's almost here, we got to get the presents of all the family and CYSM got great ideas for you. The best gift is something that he/she will need and improve his/her life,...
¡Si buscas un par de Jeans que satisfacen las tres necesidades básicas de comodidad, estilo y un toque sensual, entonces los Jeans JOCELYNE son lo que estabas intentando encontrar! ¡La mezclilla stretch bidireccional hará que ponértelos y usar los Jeans...
Every woman deserves that one pair of jeans that makes her feel like she can conquer the world! And because the JOCELYNE jeans have a design that naturally and effortlessly lifts and shapes in all the right places, it’s safe to...
¡Experimenta en tu torso el rápido y sin esfuerzo efecto adelgazante de una prenda moldeadora de gran diseño! Si lo que buscas es reducir esas tallas extras en tu cintura, o tener una recuperación rápida tras tu cirugía, el Enterizo...
Experience the quick and effortless torso-lengthening effect of a well-designed compressive undergarment! If your goal is either to trim off extra inches around your midsection, or to get a fast and healthy post-surgery recovery, the Trim & Support Body Minimizer...
El verano ya se acerca y está lleno de ilusiones, proyectos y moda, con su llegada el armario abre sus puertas nuevas tendencias. Una transformación que traerá nuevos colores, materiales, estilos, patrones y prendas al vestidor, con infinitas combinaciones de...
Everyday is a good time to tell your dad how much you love him, but Father’s Day is perfect to tell him in other ways that you love him. What can you do to make this day special? we’ll give...
As women, we spend a lot of time in our heads analyzing everything, especially our bodies. We look in the mirror and wonder when that began to droop or think maybe we should have done crunches instead of eating that...
El sentirse sexy es parte de la percepción que tienes de ti, implica como te ves a ti misma y que consideras sexy. Los medios aveces dictaminan lo que es “ser sexy” y generalizan la palabra solo para cierto tipo...