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Women’s Day SALE - 10% OFF On All Shapewear
Women’s Day SALE - 10% OFF On All Shapewear
Loving your CYSM body!!

Loving your CYSM body!!


Women comes in different shapes and sizes, so we have a big variety of shapewear. Fashion is versatile and its changing everyday, we need to understand that our unique body is not going go with every fashion trend. In this article we will recomend the best shapewear for your body tipe.

The five basic body types are: triangle, tectangle, inverted triangle, hourglass and oval. In this next image we will grafically explain the body types so you can choose wich is yours.


If you have triangle body type, the perfect shapewear for you is the 393 because wrap your tights and shape them, it also mold your legs and hips.


if you are a rectangle type of girl we will recomend the 1332 cincher, it cinches your waist too look a perfect shape.


if the invertid triangle is your shape, you need a shapewear with light straps on the upper part in your body and support., the perfect choice is the Body 275


for all our curvylicious girls with the hourglass shape, we got our body 286, that have support in all your body and mold every curve.


For the Oval type we recomend our 203 body shaper because it cover the parts you need to mold and it has light uppper control


This are our recomendacions, but we have a lot more options that your can check in your website. So go on and love your body shape girl, because it is P E R F E C T!


Previous article Specialized bras: Masectomy, comfort and support by CYSM

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