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3 DIY Hair masks by CYSM

3 DIY Hair masks by CYSM

diy hair masks beauty hacks cysm
The sun, pollution and bad hair habits could ruin your hair. It's not enough to use a simple shampoo and conditioner, you can also add a hair mask. Hair masks are easy to make, you can even make them in your own home.

For those who want hair growth we got the perfect mask, you just need to have the next items and mix them up in a bowl:
1 egg
1 tbsp. Mashed Banana
1 tbsp. Mashed Avocado
1 tbsp. Plain Greek Yogurt
1 tbsp. Almond Milk
1 tbsp. Coconut Mil

Put it in your hair with your bare hands from scalp to ends, then put on a shower cap or something that can isolate your hair and wait 20 min, take a shower and wash your hair with your usual shampoo.
hair mask diy cysm beuty tips

If you want a Frizz tamer, just mix:

1/2 Mashed Banana
2 tbsp. of honey
1/2 tbsp. of almond oil
Massage your scalp and put the mix everywhere, rest for 20 min. and wash it all with you daily shampoo.
diy hair mask beauty hacks cysm
Last but not least, the smooth hair mask. This mask let your hair so soft you will touch it all day, you just got to mix this ingredients:
1 egg
1/4 cup og whole whipped milk
2 tbsp. of coconut oil ( READ DE BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL HERE > )
diy hair masks beauty hacks cysm

For this mask you will need a brush beacause it's a watery mask, start butting the mask 2 inches away of your roots to your hair ends, put on your shower cap and wait 20 min, then wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

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