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The Top 5 Apps that the multitasking woman needs!!! by CYSM

The Top 5 Apps that the multitasking woman needs!!! by CYSM

5 apps multitasking woman cysm

Are you trying to be Wonder woman and work your butt off in all areas of your life? While you manage your home, children, and budget, you also have to go to work and look your best. Aaarrrgghh! In a day of 24 hours, that seems unrealistic. Nowadays being multitask it's a way of life, globalization make us part of everything so we do a lot more stuff than before. The multitasking woman of the past used agendas, to do list and calendars. Now we got technology that help us being more productive and fast. So listen up girl, we will give you The Top 5 Apps that the multitasking woman needs.

1) Mint

Where my independent woman at? (Yes a Destiny's child reference) this app is a total lifesaver. The app allows you to organize your finances by pulling your investments, credit card bills, bank accounts, and expenses into one interface. Mint constantly crushes the numbers to ensure that you never fall into debt, make a late payment, or let your credit score slip. Show me the moneeeeeeey!!!

2) Audible

You love to read and cultivate yourself? Audible is the perfect app for intelligent women on the go. Read your favorite literature and keep your mind sharp while commuting to work, running errands, driving, or simply hanging around the house. The app is free, but the platform functions on a monthly membership. Imagine: You're driving while you hear a beautiful story by oscar wild or maybe you're Poe's girl, your choice ;)

When it comes to staying organized, no app is more helpful than Evernote. The app lets you organize notes, ideas, to-do lists, images, and more, all within a platform that syncs across all devices. If you've ever wished for a personal assistant, Evernote is the answer to your prayers. You can get the evernote moleskine and it will look perfect with your office outfit!

4) Grocery Gadget

Who doesn’t want to save time and money. “Be organized at home and the supermarket.” The tagline says it all. Grocery Gadget app saves you from the tedious task of preparing a shopping list. It includes features like syncing your grocery list with your family members, reviewing pictures of the products you want, free cloud backup, and e-coupons to simplify your grocery management. So, the next time you want your partner to buy the right items, just share this list him or her.

5) Nike+ Training Club

If any brand knows fitness, it's Nike. No matter what activity or level of difficulty you're looking for, the female-focused Nike+ Training Club app has something to get you off the couch and into shape. Each of the more than 100 workouts was designed by Nike master trainers.

Well now you got apps for everything: One for the groceries, one for cultivate yourself, one to organize your day and ideas, one to get fit and one to save money!! 

WHO RUN THE WOLRD?!!! GIRLS!!! (Queen B it's always right!!)

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