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Top 5 Bad ass female characters From 2017

Top 5 Bad ass female characters From 2017

top 5 bad ass female characters

Strong fierce female characters in tv and movies it's something that we need too see, we got to show everyone that a succesfull empower woman can be the hero of the day. Leading female actors got the power of send the feminist message that we all need, here are the top 5 feminist characters who won the 2017.

1) Eleven (Millie bobby Brown)

eleven strenager things millie bobby brown cysm

We all know this gifted child from stranger things, she has telekinetic powers and a bad ass attitude. She also carries the message of friendship, loyalty and never give up, at the end she sacrifies for her friends. Eleven shows the world that a little girl can be strong, you'll be proud to say: fight like a girl!

2) Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)

Gal gadot wonder woman

The hottie is here, Gal Gadot a former Miss Israel came to slay all super heroes. This gorgeous amazon who happens to be also a proud mommy it's a real solider, she was part of the israeli army. Actress, model, soldier and mommy, WOW she truly is wonder woman!!

3) Almost all women of Game of thrones

arya stark game of thrones

From Arya to Cersei, all these women have shown stenght in so many ways. Despite of the reasons, they fight and conqueer. The queen or should I say the Khalessi of the serie it's of course Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, the evolution of its character it's amazing: from an oppressed woman to the leader of a poweful army. This woman came to say: DRACARYS!! and burn out all sexist comments.

4) Olivia Pope (Kerry washington)

Olivia Pope scandal Kerry washington

This character is fearsome and badass, has the world in her hands. Olivia Pope the character of the acclaimed tv show scandal, it's a fearless woman who fix all the scandals on the white house. She knows how to handle stuff and how to speak to everyone. You don't want to mess with her cus' she will take you down!!

5) Grace and frankie (Jane fonda and Lily tomlin)

grace and frankie jane fonda lili tomlin

The grandma power is here!! this lovable couple of great actresses show you in this tv show that your life it's not over when you get over 60. They rediscover life, love and work being together, once again friendship is one of the main subjects on the show. You know you can find your soulmate later in life, and it doesn't have to be your lover, it can be your best friend. So hold on tight to your BFF cus' she may be the one.

 Wich characters are your favorites and why? let us know in the comments below.

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